Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over till it’s over” and boy, was he right!
My path has been marked by countless needles, scans, consultations, and enough pills to fill a pharmacy. I’ve navigated through the offices of dermatologists, neurologists, urologists, pulmonologists, and a host of other specialists, all while feeling like I was stuck in a relentless cycle for the past decade.
Until just a few weeks ago, I was taking 18 Carbidopa Levodopa pills daily, yet still hurtling downward on a steep decline. I reached a stage where I couldn’t even tend to my own needs, both physically and emotionally. I’d spend endless hours on the couch, waiting for those precious moments between doses when the medication would actually kick in and allow me to function at a basic level.
The concept of Deep Brain Stimulation had been lingering in my mind, and despite my neurologist’s reservations, I jumped in, literally head first. There was nothing left to lose. I organized my affairs, drafted a will and medical directives, and penned heartfelt letters to my loved ones, preparing for any outcome. I creating a network of love to step up and step in to help guide our son in case I didn’t make it through surgery unscathed.
As my story unfolds in subsequent posts, you’ll witness the highs and lows, but for now, know this: I’m in a good place. A really good place! It’s been 10 weeks since the surgery and programming, and I’ve bid farewell to ALL Parkinson’s medications. Every visible sign of the condition has vanished. I still vividly recall my cousin pushing me in a wheelchair for the DBS programming session, and just 45 minutes later, I walked out unassisted!
Yes, Parkinson’s still resides within me, but it no longer dictates the terms of my life.
Finally, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
No more pills, minimal discomfort, and a bounty of hope—all thanks to the transformative power of deep brain stimulation surgery. The journey presses on, but now with a renewed sense of optimism and resilience.
Join the conversationLauren Glasco - March 24, 2024
Wonderful news Najlah!
Lauren Glasco - March 24, 2024
Wonderful news Najlah!
Thank you for sharing. Your courage is inspiring.
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